EMPIRE STATION exists in a seemingly-empty dimension, not found on any chart, not anticipated by any computer model of the universe. The pioneers who discovered it found a gleaming, deserted megalopolis, waiting to be inhabited, impossible to escape, where time and space work in subtly different ways, animated by a mysterious force they call the Power.

Everyone in Empire Station finds themselves channeling the Power in their own unique way. It changes you, in ways that surprise you, horrify you, come to define you.

FAYE ROCKET (McKenzie) has sold her services to a team of rogue Panopticon Elites, who are exploring Empire Station with an eye on exploiting the mysterious Power. Sleepy and unknowingly weakened, Faye meets a person (Lucy) already exploiting the Power. Or being exploited by it… This video features heavy, heavy sensual power drain, dominating sensuality, ragdolling, bondage and upper nudity.